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Seismic Skeptics

A group of non-believers that question the validity and value of seismic-derived attributes.  

So you’re not convinced seismic data is meaningful to drilling, completions or development decisions? What if we told you that you can better understand the difference between a top performing well and a dud simply by looking deeper into the seismic response and corresponding rock properties? You can derisk your development cost structure and better plan well spacing by looking at the bigger seismic picture.


​Well and core data is only useful if it can be extrapolated and applied across broader regions significantly farther away than a few miles from the wellbore. The problem, however, is that the reservoirs and fields in which you operate are heterogeneous, contain lots of potential structural hazards and lack consistency in what fluids actually fill the pore space. Rather than simply using seismic data to identify and avoid large features such as faults and karsts, what if you opted instead to interrogate the data to reveal the finer details of the rock fabric so you can have greater confidence of landing the drillbit in a lucrative zone?

Seismic-skeptics persona
For decades, seismic data was used predominantly as an exploration tool, but in a fluctuating oil economy where Wall Street is placing greater emphasis and stringent demands on oil companies to get more from currently producing reservoirs, it’s imperative to leverage every bit of your seismic investment (past, present and future) with more rigor than ever before.
Companies simply can’t afford to be overlooked by investors on account of cost overruns or rapidly declining reserves.

QI-Pro for Data Science

If you are working with data scientists to unlock the hidden meaning and new insights from subsurface data, you’ll want to investigate what QI-Pro has to offer. It provides a more systematic way of understanding multiple seismic attributes in the geological domain. Now, reservoir engineers, asset managers and geologists can identify and locate patterns in the data that are consistent with high and low well performance.

Ready to embrace seismic data science?

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