What's your G&G Personality?
Take our fun, short assessment to find out what type of personality you lean towards. Take the Quiz >
You are an elite class of mathematically-minded rock or wave experts who are deeply scientific and love precision. Unfortunately, your work can be underappreciated because it’s not well understood. QI-Pro can help you bridge this gap.

The world of shapes and spatial relevance is far more interesting to you than mathematical models and formulae. QI-Pro speaks your language. QI-Pro is designed to empower a new generation of seismic-based geological interpretation.

As the main geophysical contact in an asset team, it’s easy to feel “dipolar” You’re pulled in at least two and usually more directions and there are never enough hours in the day for you to feel caught up. You would love to investigate the seismic attributes in your data arsenal, but that requires a lot of your time, a precious commodity. Sound QI can provide the services and the tools to rapidly interpret your attribute volumes, so you can actually use them.

When your log response has taken on a personality of its own, you need a way to quickly calibrate and understand what kind of rock you’re drilling through. You could wait weeks or months for lab results, or you could tie the well data to the seismic response to illuminate the complexity.